Setup a game

  1. Place the 4 CPU registers (A, B, C, and D) and their corresponding switched-off bits in the middle of the table. This will be the central board.

  2. Place the operation cards on the left of the central board, sorted by their energy usage: first those requiring 2 energy units (INC, DEC), then those requiring 1 energy unit (NOT, ROL, ROR, ROL, MOV), and finally those requiring 1/2 energy units (OR, AND, XOR).

  3. Shuffle the goal cards and place the deck face-down on the right side of the central board. These cards represent the calculations astronauts need to make to land on the moon.

  4. Take 3 energy units and place them next to you.


MOON simulates a real computer. Operations modify data in the same way as in real microprocessors. So, let’s review how to count in binary before you start playing.