
You can adapt the difficulty of the game in several ways:


Changing the number of energy units available per round. We suggest you use 3 units of energy (easy) for the first games and then reduce it progressively:

  • Normal: 2.5

  • Hard: 2

  • Master: 1.5


Changing the number of “bug” cards the goal cards deck will have:

  • Easy: 0

  • Normal: 1

  • Hard: 2

  • Master: 3

Initial state

Changing the initial state of the registers:

  • Easy:

    • Take the first 3 goal cards of the deck at the start of the game, and copy their values into registers B, C and D (these three cards can then be considered solved).

    • Set register A to zero.

  • Normal:

    • Do the same with the first 2 goal cards and registers B and C.

    • Set registers A and D to zero.

  • Hard:

    • Copy the first goal card to register B.

    • Set registers A, C and D to zero.

  • Master:

    • Set register A to value 1.

    • Set the rest of registers to zero.


Adding event cards to the goal cards deck. See Events.